Get your family or Business a more meaningful email address.
Get an email address that you own! With your domain name.
It's email without ads and works with your favorite email program, in your web browser, and on your mobile phone or tablet.
Don’t send your private emails from an email address with your name and a number, it’s not necessary to rely on services that are not always perceived as trustworthy by the recipient. You can send your emails from your own, secure family domain and it will look much better, be easier to manage and will always belong to you. We can help you choose your last name or business name to create a recognizable domain name.
As a Family, sending your emails from Gmail, Yahoo or Outlook does not show that you are professional.
For this reason, Data2save developed 3 eMail plans to provide you with a professional email address with affordable prices.
Don’t send your private emails from an email address with your name and a number, it’s not necessary to rely on services that are not always perceived as trustworthy by the recipient. You can send your emails from your own, secure family domain and it will look much better, be easier to manage and will always belong to you. We can help you choose your last name or business name to create a recognizable domain name.
As a start up small business or even if you have been in business for years, sending your emails from Gmail, Yahoo or Outlook does not show that you are professional.
For this reason, Data2save developed 3 eMail plans to provide you with a professional email address with affordable prices.
Don’t send your private emails from an email address with your name and a number, it’s not necessary to rely on services that are not always perceived as trustworthy by the recipient. You can send your emails from your own, secure family domain and it will look much better, be easier to manage and will always belong to you. We can help you choose your last name or business name to create a recognizable domain name.
As a start up small business or even if you have been in business for years, sending your emails from Gmail, Yahoo or Outlook does not show that you are professional.
For this reason, Data2save developed 3 email plans to provide you with a professional email address with affordable prices.